Clair Baker
Biomechanics of TBI in RTCs
Claire Baker is a PhD student from Imperial College London, jointly funded by the EPSRC and the Transport Research Laboratory (industry partner). Having just completed her Research Masters at Imperial, Claire is continuing her research for the AutoTriage project: predicting Traumatic Brain Injury severity in Road Traffic Collisions using on-board vehicle sensor data in the coming three years. Claire has a background in Physics, graduating with First Class Honours in Astrophysics from Southampton University in 2017, during which she completed a research placement at Harvard University. From her physics background, she has invaluable experience handling large datasets, programming and mechanics. She joins the unique multidisciplinary team supervised by Dr Mazdak Ghajari (Department of Design Engineering, ICL), Prof Mark Wilson & Prof David Sharp (Faculty of Medicine, ICL) and Dr Phil Martin (TRL), connecting FE brain modelling, trauma medicine, collision reconstruction and machine learning approaches for the AutoTriage project.